After receiving a letter from this office, call the Doctor’s office at the telephone number listed on the letter to confirm the date of appointment. If the date or time of the appointment is inconvenient, please notify OmniMed immediately at 866-376-9500. You have forty eight hours from receipt of the letter to cancel or change the appointment. If we do not hear from you within that time, we will consider the appointment acceptable. If you require directions to the Doctor’s office, please phone their office directly. Phoning OmniMed may result in a delay. If you desire, you may use a computer based internet program for directions. We recommend that you use MSN MapPoint ™
Please arrive at the doctor's office fifteen minutes early so any necessary paperwork can be completed. Most doctors adhere to a very specific schedule and will consider you absent if you are late. Please bring copies of your medical records (obtain them from your treating doctor) including x-ray films, MRI films, CT scan films, or test results. This information will help the consulting doctor reach a full diagnostic impression. You must, however, attend this examination even if you are unable to obtain these records. If you do not speak English, bring an interpreter with you so that communication can be supported.
You may be asked to change into a gown so wear appropriate clothing. You may be asked to complete entrance forms outlining your accident and medical history. Please fill these out to the best of your ability. If you are unable to recall the answer to any question, don’t worry. Just do the best that you can. The doctor will review the history with you. He will also conduct a physical examination. The type of examination differs with each specialty. Please inform the doctor if you experience any discomfort due to the examination. The doctor will not perform any invasive testing without your approval. Such testing includes X-rays and electrodiagnostic testing. As a matter of rule, these tests are not usually performed in an IME.
As a patient who has been requested to submit to an independent medical examination, you have rights and obligations, as follows: